Friday, November 30, 2012

Economy (Mariah and Thomas)

Great Zimbabwe Empire  produced gold, ivory from elephants, clay for pottery, soapstone for carvings, beans, squash, millet which is a cereal plant generally used for bird food in today’s society, sorghum, which is a grain that was mainly used to feed livestock. Their trading was extensive, and the most significant compared to other ancient empires.The economy of the Great Zimbabwe Empire was successful for the most part. Archaeologists have found Chinese and Middle Eastern glass and ornaments in Zimbabwe, which tell us that they were an advanced trading empire. But being great at trading did not help very many of their people. They were split into two classes. The rich lived inside the city walls, and then everybody else lived outside. Other than trading, people living in Great Zimbabwe didn't have very much contact with others. They kept to themselves and let many others into the empire. The Great Zimbabwe Empire  produced gold, ivory from elephants, clay for pottery, soapstone for carvings, beans, squash, millet which is a cereal plant generally used for bird food in today’s society, sorghum, which is a grain that was mainly used to feed livestock. Their trading was extensive, and the most significant compared to other ancient empires Overall,we  give the economy of Great Zimbabwe a B. They had a very advanced level of trade, but they were not a relatively big or wealthy empire. Also, because of their different classes, it was very hard for the poor to become wealthy, which gave rich people the power.

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